This week we almost forgot it was rainy season with days mostly free of rain. Wednesday was Liberia’s Independence Day so we had a day off in the middle of the week. David and the aviation intern had their second surfing lesson with two of my students. They were both able to get up at least once.
My two students in the middle left on Friday to head to the states where they will live with family and attend high school. Pray for them as they make this transition. I will miss them but am excited about this opportunity for them.
We are enjoying having David here for the summer. This month he was been working taking pictures and writing stories for our program. It has been a good experience for him to have this volunteer opportunity as well as a chance to practice his photography. He has also been working on a website for his photography. You can check it out at
Since it is rainy season, the view from Noel’s airplane often looks like this…
and he has to keep a good eye on this…
Besides taking passengers, he has been taking a lot of Operation Christmas Child boxes to different locations. A couple of weeks ago, David was able to be involved with two different distributions.
This month, I have been busy tutoring and keeping the boys (Noel, David, and the Intern) fed. I have also started on some house projects such as curtains and pillows that I hope to finish up. In August, I will have a few weeks off before I start back with at least one of my students. This year I will have a 10th grader, 11th grader, and a kindergartener.
Back in December, you might remember me talking about Elijah who was part of the cleft lip program.
The doctors were not able to operate on his cleft lip then because they discovered that Elijah had a heart condition. This past month, Elijah went to India to have heart surgery. Currently he is still there recovering. Pray for him to have complete healing as his recovery has been slower than the doctors have hoped. Pray that he will be a like the Elijah of old and grow up to be a mighty man of God.
Thank you for all your prayers.
That is all for now. I hope you are enjoying your summer and all is well. Teresa