September Update 2017

As many of you are beginning to enjoy the colors of Fall, we are wondering how much longer rainy season will be this year. The last week was full of rainy days. Most of the time the water finds a place to go, but this week the road to the airport where the international flights come in was flooded.  Last night as our team had to pick up several different guests and team members coming in, we were blessed to have two vehicles that were able to go through water without damage to the vehicles.

This week and next week our team is working on a cataract project.  The recipients are all Ebola survivors.  Cataracts is a side effect of the disease.  Noel and our helicopter pilot will be flying patients into Monrovia for the surgery.  A team of doctors and staff are coming in to do the procedures.  Pray that it will be a successful project and that opportunities will arise to share the love of Jesus with all involved.

David has been back in school almost a month.  He is enjoying his senior year and should have his first volleyball match this weekend.  This year ,David is the student body president and had the privilege of welcoming the students and parents at the opening ceremony.  During the ceremony, the seniors walk in with the flag of the nation where they live or their parents are working.  David walked in with the Liberia flag which was a gift from the team here for his volunteer work this summer.  Here are a couple of pictures of that day.  Wish we could have been there!

Noel has been busy the last couple of weeks with more flights than normal.  This has been tiring not only because of the extra flights but also because the weather has been challenging.  Pray for strength as the rest of September looks to be busy for him.  Noel is thankful for his team at the airport.  Two new members were added in August and are doing well figuring out their new roles and contributing to the work the team does in transporting Samaritan Purse workers to the different locations.

Here is a picture of some of the kids who like to come out to the airstrip when Noel lands at one of the bases.

What about me?  At the end of August, I finished tutoring a boy named Samson who had been to the states for surgery.  It was a challenge as I tried to figure out how to best help him advance in his reading, mathematics, and thinking skills.   He said that doing math was his favorite which made this math teacher smile.  His life has not been easy but he seems to usually be able to smile in spite of what life throws at him.

In August, my two regular students started back up.  Jebel is in kindergarten and loves spelling and looking at things with my binoculars.  Daniel is in 10th grade and loves finding different bird species around campus.  He is up to over 30 different species.  He also is giving our microscope quite the workout between his biology experiments and his own explorations.  I am blessed to have two students who are willing to work and easy to be around.  I have one more student coming later this fall.    This job is challenging as I navigate subjects that are not in my area of expertise.  Most days I am learning along with my students.  I am thankful for good curriculums and the internet.

Meet my friend, Nancy.   Nancy and I have known each other since our first summer with MAF.  We were in the same candidacy class together.  When we went to Afghanistan, they went to Congo.  Last November, they moved here to Liberia where her husband is our mechanic.  I have enjoyed Nancy’s friendship.  We walk three mornings a week before school and try to have a few adventures now and then.  Our last adventure was me driving the both of us to the Royal Hotel for hair cuts followed by coffee and a donut.  You might not think of that as an adventure but for two ladies that don’t get off campus much, it was an adventure.  Did I mention that I was driving which I have only done off campus two other times?  Due to the rain, there was less traffic than normal and we made it to the hotel safely.  Our adventure continued as Geraldo from Minnesota cut our hair.  What do you think?  After our cuts, our husbands met us for coffee and drove us home since one way was enough for this adventure.  We are already plotting our next outing.  Maybe lappa (fabric) shopping?

Election season is in full swing.  The election is in October.  We are praying for a peaceful transition of power and a good leader for this next term.  So far, the campaigning has been peaceful, and even as I walked to the office today I heard Liberians discussing the different candidates.

For those of you who remember me asking prayer for Elijah who needed heart surgery and also had a cleft lip.  He had surgery in India for his heart and was finally able to return to Liberia.  He looks so much healthier.  Hopefully after a year or so, he will be able to have the cleft lip surgery.

Our prayers have been with many of you as you have been going through hurricanes, flooding, losing loved ones, and just whatever life has thrown at you.  We love you all and miss you.  Our plan is to be in the states next summer.  We will give more details as the time gets closer.




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