Our Last Weekend in Texas

img_0243Our last weekend in Texas was spent packing, spending time with friends and going to an Art show.   Friday evening we attended a Kids Camp concert with friends and Winter went off to spend the night with her best buds.  Saturday was spent with last minute details and getting our shipment into storage.  David was our big helper especially when we were unloading at the storage unit.  img_4103

Saturday night we were able to relax at an art show.  The art show was put on by a group of college girls at Christ Chapel to help raise money for our ministry with Mission Aviation Fellowship.    The art work was amazing.  We enjoyed  getting to know the girls better, meeting new people and listening to the band play.   Some of our dear friends were also able to attend.  We are blessed as we spend time with others who have a heart for missions.  Their encouragement helps us in moments when we are tired and weary. 

img_0248Sunday we said good bye to our friends at Rush Creek.  During the service, our pastor prayed for our family and our ministry.  We are thankful the years we have been at Rush Creek and the dear friends we have made there.  We will miss being a part of the worship each Sunday and serving in the children’s ministry.  Winter will miss her 4 year olds and the teachers she worked with each Sunday.    The Clarks graciously fed us lunch and then we were off to pack the trailer and clean.  It was a long afternoon but everything fit with no room to spare.  We finished packing the trailer but not the cleaning.  We had a yummy mexican meal with friends.  Our evening ended with our friends the Dodds, Longs, and Medley’s praying for us.  We are thankful for their encouragement and blessing every step of the way.   Tears come to my eyes even now as I think of the prayers from that day.     We fell into bed exhausted.

img_0261Monday we finished our cleaning, mowed and delivered our keys back to our landlord.  We were off.    It was a happy/sad journey.   We are excited to be on to our next stage but sad to leave in Texas so many good friends and memories.

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