Violins and Blessings

Winter has been playing the violin since 1st grade.  She was blessed with a great teacher in Arlington that she loved dearly and was able to have lessons with her for 5 or 6 years.  Then we moved overseas and her violin was tucked away in our shipment for almost a year.  Last year she dutifully practiced her violin playing the songs she had learned and sometimes working on a new one.  Once or twice she even was able to play a few songs when Noel and the band he plays with led worship.   As we went to come back to the states for the summer, we debated on bringing back her violin when she informed us she had outgrown it.  Outgrown it in terms of needing a bigger violin not that she was tired of playing the violin.  When we were in Texas, we contacted her former violin teacher to see about getting a few lessons and what to do about a new violin.  By the end of our two weeks in Texas, Winter had 4 lessons full of learning all her scales and a new violin.  Between her teacher and a gracious music store, Winter had a new violin, bow and case with a few music books to play from.  We were overwhelmed by their generosity and kindness.

Now we are back in Kabul and the blessings continue.  This summer two ladies who play the violin well have moved to Kabul.  We are currently talking to one of them about Winter taking violin lessons from her.  Winter is very excited.   When we moved overseas, we knew there were things we would not have and we thought a violin teacher for Winter would be one of those things.  At least for this season, we may not have to go without.   We just wanted to share with you God’s provision in what to some may be a little thing but for our family is a big thing.

Blessings, TJ

2 thoughts on “Violins and Blessings”

  1. We are grateful for God’s provision! It is great to no that God cares about the little and big things, and that nothing is too small for Him to care about.
    Love and miss you!

  2. Winter, I am so glad you are excited about continuing with violin lessons. Music is one thing that brought Papaw and me together, and we have enjoyed making music together all these years. You can never know where music will take you and who you will meet along the way. Can’t wait to hear you play again.
    Love, Nana

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