
Each morning a little before 8:30, I make my way to the office for devotions.  As I enter the devotion room and take my seat, I pick up the laminated picture of one of our staff that I am to pray for on this day.  Promptly at 8:30, devotions start with a greeting from our director and then one of the local staff leading us in singing.  The singing is loud, beautiful, and makes you want to move your feet.  I am slowly learning the words to the songs that they already know from memory.


After a short time of singing, one of the local staff teaches from a curriculum called SALT: Seven Areas of Life Training.   One of SP Liberia’s goals for the year is discipleship.  We just finished book two out of seven where we discussed where to focus when making our decisions and recognizing whether we are believing truth or lies.  Some mornings there are lots of questions and discussion as they grapple with these concepts. Questions asked include “Does God love everyone the same?” “How can I thank God for the hard things? “ Each chapter of the book uses a diagram to help us remember the concept that we are learning.  See diagram below.


In this lesson we learned when we listen to the world, we will end up feeling insecure, inadequate, and guilty, but if we listen to God’s spirit we will be remind that through Jesus we are accepted and blameless.  We will then feel confident, complete, and forgiven.

Our prayer is that as we discuss and learn these truths that they will take root in our lives and the lives of our staff and bear fruit.  Then these truths will be spread to others that we work and do life with.  One of the weaknesses of the Liberian church as with many churches around the world is the lack of discipleship.   Our prayer is that will not be the case with our staff.

I have enjoyed this time each morning.  The truths have been good reminders of where my focus needs to be and how am I making my decisions.  Some days I find myself saying AMEN and other days saying OUCH as a point touches on an area I need to work on.  For me, it is great beginning to my day and way to connect with the staff here.

The devotion time closes with announcements and prayer before we all head off to do our jobs.   Noel and his guys do their devotions at the airport and are also going through the same books.  The other bases likewise are going through the same curriculum.  Pray for the teachers as they prepare and teach us each week.  Pray that we will not only learn these truths but live them out.


1 thought on “S.A.L.T.”

  1. Sounds great! So glad you can connect with the staff this way. Thanks for sharing the details of life there.

    Love and miss you guys!

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