Snow, Washing Machines and Our Last Language Class

img_1837Our week has been full as usual.  Monday started out with us waking up to everything covered with snow.  It was gorgeous.   David had been not feeling well for over a week and was not getting better so Noel took him to the clinic.  David had a sinus infection and is doing much better after some more rest and antibiotics.   Also on Monday some guys came to look at our washing machine which had fully broken over the weekend.  Gulzoda, our house helper, not wanting to be in the kitchen with all those men, joined me for a nice chat in the other room.    I treasure these times and enjoy seeing her laugh.  We were actually surprised to see her on Monday.  She had walked down the hill from her village to the her bus stop since the road was so bad.  We made sure she to tell her that if it was too cold or messy in the future, it would be okay for  her to not come and we would understand. 

On Tuesday the washing machine was once again working well and we pray it will stay fixed the rest of our time here.   We then had a nice lunch with our language teacher and his wife.  It was a time of honoring them and showing them how much we appreciated all they have done for us.  I would also say that Tuesday was the coldest day we have had all year.  

The rest of the week as been more back to normal with Friday being our last day of langugage classes.  Even though our official classes are over, we realized this is just the beginning of learning to communicate in our new language but it does feel good to be moving into the next phase.  Once again we woke up to snow falling and now that David is well he is making up for lost time with his snowball throwing.  Today was the Valentine’s day party at school for David’s class.  Since there was not really a party for Winter’s grade,   I took my three Jr. High math girls to lunch.   I enjoyed their chatter and on the way back to school even dodged a few snowballs.  

It has been a tiring week but in it we have seen God’s provision in so many ways.  We even got a care package yesterday from my mom and dad. img_1843img_1849

2 thoughts on “Snow, Washing Machines and Our Last Language Class”

  1. David, looks like you are about to hit someone with a snowball. I had no little ones to play in our snow, so I just looked at it and enjoyd the freshness of it. We may get some more, who knows. The newspaper said every state had snow except one. Can you guess which one that was?

  2. Glad you go to enjoy the snow! We enjoyed it here in Texas, too! It seemed more beautiful since it was so unusual. We had 11.7 inches!
    Love you!

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