The Countdown

Our time here in Tajikistan is slipping away.  The past week we spent mostly resting and enjoying Dushanbe after many months of language training.   I still worked at the kid’s school and Noel had a few meetings but overall we feel rested and well.  During the past two weeks, everyone in the family has taken a dose of antibiotics with the exception of Noel.  Winter’s cough is lingering on but everyone else seems back to normal. 

This week Noel is continuing to work on the details of the move.   We are finding that steps we might have taken for granted still need to be covered in prayer.   It has been a privilege for the kids and I to pray for Noel before his meetings and then later at the supper table hear how God was with him at the meeting.   My work in the next few weeks is helping our family  have closure in this place.  For example, we are having David’s teacher over for supper one night to have a time to say good bye and thank you for all she has done.  

As moving day approaches, we are getting excited.  We found out that we will be living in the house we saw when we were there in October.    This is an answer of prayer for our team because this house connects two other family’s houses together.   David is excited about going to a new school and says he is not nervous at all.    We are all excited to be settled in a place we can call our own and getting to use things from our shipment when it arrives.  It will be like Christmas.  Most of all we are excited to get started doing what we have been training to do. 

We have moved many times in the past year so the packing part is not too bad.  The hard part is the emotions that go with moving.   Saying good bye is always hard especially when God sends such amazing people into our lives.  So we ask you to pray for our family in this area and all the details that go with a move.

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