Our family has been back in Kabul almost three weeks even though it feels longer than that. We traveled from Houston to Kabul with a friend of mine and her three kids. Our flight from Nashville to Houston was delayed due to maintanance and then a missing crew, but by the grace of God we made our connection in Houston. Chandra and her three kids took up one row with our family seated right behind them. Chandra’s husband, Chris, also flies for Pactec so they were joining him in Kabul. Here is a picture of David and Chandra’s two girls. We were blessed with good travels and all our luggage making it to Kabul.
Due to the daily dust, our home will never be totally dust free, but the accumulation of dust is gone. Our first week was spent cleaning, restocking, and helping get a welcome basket ready for the New ISK teachers. The welcome basket was full of breakfast food, toilet paper, some fun snacks and a few other things. Note: the vase was already there. 🙂 On Tuesday, the new teachers and many others came back into Kabul. It was good to see for ISK things are proceeding as normal. On Saturday, I started orientation for the new year with school beginning on August 25th.
Our team in Kabul is small right now. Often on weekends we get together for a meal. Here we had the team all over to grill and just hang out. Our backyard is beautiful with roses and many other flowers in bloom. Even though it gets hot during the day, it cools down really well at night. Here is a picture of the grill masters aka the guys holding down the fort right now.
Even through many people have left Kabul, the kids still have a good group of teens to hang out with. Don’t worry Winter does have some other girls. They just happened not to be in the picture. Winter and two other seniors are leading the youth group this year. They meet on Wednesday for a time a worship, bible study and a little fun. It is a big responsibility but for now they are doing a great job.
School has started and things are going well. I will write more about that at another time. Noel has been helping fill some leadership roles as well as fly during this time. This year our team will be going through a time of transition with some of the team leaving the program, others being relocated to Tajikistan, and a few of us staying here in Kabul. We are glad to still be stationed here in Kabul. It feels like home to us, and the kids’ school is here. Any day now we should hear who the next President will be. We are trying not to put our lives on hold as we wait. In these uncertain times, we are taking comfort in God’s promises and reminders to trust Him. We know that all over the world things are uncertain but He alone is in control. Pray with us that this election will finally be resolved peacefully and the new government can take control and rule well.
Thanks for the newsy update and great pictures! We will be praying for you through all the transitions and uncertainties, and thanking God along with you for His constancy and faithfulness!
Love and miss you guys!